Trace: suse_15

SLES 15 System Extensions or Modules

With the new way of work from SLES 15, you must need take some considerations.

Suse must wants to force users to put hard the installation of his operating system, if you download two DVD of Suse Linux Enterprise Server, basically you are downloading the same, the second one are the source packages of the first one. So if you simple install from this media you will get a basic operating system, minimal, so small that Yast will not work, because will no be installed.

So if you want Gnome, Yast or anything to get your operating system work, you must download SLE-15-PackagesISO, that weights almost 7GB or in effect, one SLES registration code, that facilitate a lot all the work.

So, we will put some basic example for install your operating system.

SLES 15 installation

Here you can install a flavor of SLES, I believe that is genius, because we don't need to download a lot of DVDs, the installer DVD only weights 700MB:

We will select server. I skipped some screen for better understand, in this step, a lot of starving hackers, don't uses registration services, and skip this step, but a dialog says to them that if select this option you must download the mentioned ISO, SLE-15-Packages, that weights 7GB. I have the ISO, so I continued.

suse_15.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/03 14:57
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