6 inch Star Wars figures

6 inch Star Wars figures

I live in Costa Rica, I found a lot of cheap Star Wars figures in Walmart stores and some local stores, like Universal, Toys, Rodolfo Leiton. I want collect them all, but I never found a guide with the complete series, so this is my try!

I read that these figures have two weaves, the first one is only available in Latin America and Australia, the package is a windowed box instead second one that is a open tray box. (1)

Each figure cost 3500 colones (CRC) or 6.5 dollars aprox.

All figures have this code format in the base of the box: Bwxyz-B3946 Asst. where “wxzy” are random numbers.

I will post some photos of the figures in their boxes, click in following links.

Update 1

A third wave appears! The new wave comes in white boxes and the code format is: Cwxyz-B3946 Asst. where “wxzy” are random numbers.


star_wars_figures.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/08 23:06
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