Trace: ftp_client odoo_bounce

Error to send email with odoo

  • The sin:
odoo.addons.base.models.ir_mail_server.MailDeliveryException: ('Fallo de entrega de correo', 'La entrega de correo falló vía el servidor SMTP \'None\'.\nSMTPRecipientsRefused: {\'[email protected]\': (550, b\'Verification failed for <[email protected]>\\nNo Such User Here"\\nSender verify failed\')}')
Binary file (standard input) matches
  • Configure Template: Ajustes → Técnico → Correo electrónico: Plantillas → Sales Order: Send by email → Configuración del correo electrónico → De:
"${|safe}" <${(|safe}>
  • Configure catchall and bounce: Ajustes → Técnico → Parámetros del sistema:
mail.bounce.alias	bounce
mail.catchall.alias	catchall


odoo_bounce.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/29 11:24
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