Newform on Linux

Are you seeking newform on Linux? That command doesn't exists on Linux environments, if you come from AIX, HPUX or Solaris… you probably will miss newform. But thanks to the open source projects you have a little hope. I am aware that a open source version of Solaris is available, Illumos, so you can retrieve the source code and compile on Linux. There are the steps:

gcc newform.c -o newform

Now you will get the binary… I tested that on RHEL 6 and Debian Sid (25/05/2022):

emonge@angellodebiansofia:~/newform$ cat /etc/debian_version
emonge@angellodebiansofia:~/newform$ ./newform --help
usage: newform  [-s] [-itabspec] [-otabspec] [-pn] [-en] [-an] [-f] [-cchar]
	        [-ln] [-bn] [file ...]
newform_debian_redhat.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/25 23:49
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