===== RetroArch Debian ===== Install it: $ sudo apt-get install retroarch ==== RetroArch cores ==== There are the emulators, RetroArch only is a front end. === NES === $ sudo apt-get install libretro-nestopia === NDS === $ sudo apt-get install libretro-desmume === GBA === $ sudo apt-get install libretro-mgba === SNES === You must enable non-free repository. $ sudo apt-get install libretro-snes9x === N64 === You must enable non-free repository. $ sudo apt-get install libretro-mupen64plus === Sega === Genesis / Mega Drive, Sega/Mega CD, Master System, Game Gear & SG-1000 $ sudo apt-get install libretro-genesisplusgx === GBC === $ sudo apt-get install libretro-gambatte === Screenshots === I installed all of above: {{:shot-2018-08-26_14-25-10.jpg?800|}} ==== RetroArch content ==== There are the roms of games, RetroArch only is a front end. === Update database === {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-41-34.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-41-46.jpg?800|}} === Scan roms === I use a directory named $HOME/roms with subdirectories by console, for example for NES: $HOME/roms/nes {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-41-25.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-43-23.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-43-33.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-43-45.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-43-55.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2018-08-26_14-45-46.jpg?800|}}