===== Scan OpenVAS RHEL 7.3 ===== I want to know how Firewall, SELinux or NFS services affects scan vulnerability tests. ==== Scenario ==== * Debian Sid unstable hypervisor with KVM 4.1 with libvirt 5.6 * Three virtual machines * RHEL 7.3 client * 1GB RAM * 10GB SDD * 1 vCPU * IP * RHEL 7.3 NFS Server: * 1GB RAM * 10 GB SDD * 1 vCPU * IP * Greenbone OS 5.0 * 4GB RAM * 10GB SDD * 1 vCPU * IP I will run several scans with OpenVAS to the RHEL 7.3 client, I provided the root password to OpenVAS: * 1. RHEL 7.3 with Firewall up and SELinux enforcing, without NFS mount as client, without Chronyd started * 2. RHEL 7.3 with firewall down and SELinux enforcing, without NFS mount as client, without Chronyd started * 3. RHEL 7.3 with Firewall down and SELinux enforcing, without NFS mount as client, with Chronyd started * 4. RHEL 7.3 with Firewall down and SELinux enforcing, with NFS mount as client, with Chronyd started * 5. RHEL 7.3 with Firewall down and SELinux permissive, with NFS mount as client, with Chronyd started * 6. RHEL 7.3 with Firewall down and SELinux permissive, with NFS mount as client, with Chronyd started with fixed founded problems Finally I will export scan results as CSV with the option: "CSV Results". With diff I will try to find differences beetween scans. I removed all columns except: IP, Hostname, Port, Port Protocol, CVSS, Severity,Solution Type, NVT Name. I also want to obviate package updates. ==== Results ==== === Boring numbers === ^ Result number ^ Amount of Results ^ Amount of Results without logs ^ Amount of Results without update problems ^ Difference between previous result ^ | 1 | 204 | 176 | 3 | NA | | 2 | 206 | 176 | 3 | 0 | | 3 | 209 | 177 | 3 | 0 | | 4 | 209 | 177 | 3 | 0 | | 5 | 209 | 177 | 3 | 0 | | 6 | 205 | 174 | -3 | 0 | === Boring differentes === I compared first result with 2, 3, 4 and 5 scan respectively. * 2nd scan: 15a16 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,Obtain list of all port mapper registered programs via RPC 137a139 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,RPC portmapper (TCP) * 3rd scan: 15a16 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,Obtain list of all port mapper registered programs via RPC 20a22,23 >,,,,5.0,Medium,VendorFix,QEMU <= 3.1.50 Denial of Service Vulnerability >,,,,0.0,Log,,QEMU Version Detection (Linux) 137a141 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,RPC portmapper (TCP) 145a150 >,,,,0.0,Log,,Sun/Oracle OpenJDK Version Detection * 4th scan: 15a16 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,Obtain list of all port mapper registered programs via RPC 20a22,23 >,,,,5.0,Medium,VendorFix,QEMU <= 3.1.50 Denial of Service Vulnerability >,,,,0.0,Log,,QEMU Version Detection (Linux) 137a141 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,RPC portmapper (TCP) 145a150 >,,,,0.0,Log,,Sun/Oracle OpenJDK Version Detection * 5th scan: 15a16 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,Obtain list of all port mapper registered programs via RPC 20a22,23 >,,,,5.0,Medium,VendorFix,QEMU <= 3.1.50 Denial of Service Vulnerability >,,,,0.0,Log,,QEMU Version Detection (Linux) 137a141 >,,111,tcp,0.0,Log,,RPC portmapper (TCP) 145a150 >,,,,0.0,Log,,Sun/Oracle OpenJDK Version Detection ==== Fixing sins ==== Disable tcp timestamps: echo "net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf sysctl -p Restrict rpcbind: echo "rpcbind:" >> /etc/hosts.allow echo "rpcbind: ALL" >> /etc/hosts.deny SSH weak encryption and MAC algorithms: MACs hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com,umac-64-etm@openssh.com,umac-128-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,hmac-ripemd160-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha1,umac-64@openssh.com,umac-128@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-ripemd160 Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com ==== Conclusion ==== I noticed that with firewall up the scan can obtain the list of port mapper registered programs via RPC. I can fix those with TCP Wrappers instead firewall. I noticed that SELinux doesn't make difference. ==== Recommendations ==== * Make a better penetration tests, because SELinux is not correctly tested with OpenVAS * The scenario was a controlled environment without real applications, I need test Oracle Database, Tomcat or WebLogic ==== Useless Screenshots ==== {{::shot-2019-09-18_17-01-40.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2019-09-18_17-04-01.jpg?800|}} {{::shot-2019-09-18_17-04-38.jpg?800|}} ==== Resources ==== * Original CSVs: {{ ::original.tar.gz |}} * Filtered CSVs: {{ ::filtered.tar.gz |}} * https://tipstricks.itmatrix.eu/making-rpcbindpreviously-portmap-port-111-more-secure/ * https://www.thegeekdiary.com/how-to-disable-md5-based-hmac-algorithms-for-ssh/