===== OpenConnect Debian ===== Examples with openconnect v7.08 ==== Normal connection ==== #!/bin/bash USERNAME="happyuser" PASSWORD="H4ppyP4ssw0rd*" URL="https://happyurl.com:4343" sudo openconnect --passwd-on-stdin $URL -u $USERNAME <<< $PASSWORD ==== Invalid certificate ==== #!/bin/bash USERNAME="happyuser" PASSWORD="H4ppyP4ssw0rd*" URL="https://happyurl.com:4343" SERVERCERT="sha256:1234567891234567897009feb116dcbe85b394fc0c1385f6ab09e2a123456789" sudo openconnect --servercert $SERVERCERT --passwd-on-stdin $URL -u $USERNAME <<< $PASSWORD To get the servercert parameter execute openconnect without parameter and check the output, find: Certificate from VPN server "vpn-ca.cajadeande.fi.cr" failed verification. Reason: signer not found To trust this server in future, perhaps add this to your command line: --servercert sha256:1234567891234567897009feb116dcbe85b394fc0c1385f6ab09e2a123456789 Enter 'yes' to accept, 'no' to abort; anything else to view: fgets (stdin): Operation now in progress ==== Use vpnc-script ==== I hate that openconnect change my /etc/resolv.conf file, follow this steps: $ sudo cp /usr/share/vpnc-scripts/vpnc-script /etc/vpnc/ $ sudo vim /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script Edit the file and comment the lines: # if [ -n "$INTERNAL_IP4_DNS" ]; then # $MODIFYRESOLVCONF # fi Use this script: #!/bin/bash USERNAME="happyuser" PASSWORD="H4ppyP4ssw0rd*" URL="https://happyurl.com:4343" SERVERCERT="sha256:1234567891234567897009feb116dcbe85b394fc0c1385f6ab09e2a123456789" sudo openconnect --script /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script --servercert $SERVERCERT --passwd-on-stdin $URL -u $USERNAME <<< $PASSWORD ==== Disable change of DNS alternative ==== Create a script vpnc-script-no-dns and put it in /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script: #!/bin/bash unset INTERNAL_IP4_DNS # Replace the path below with the location where the original script is located exec /usr/share/vpnc-scripts/vpnc-script "$@" Change the path of script. ==== References ==== * https://packages.debian.org/sid/all/vpnc-scripts/filelist * http://frodo.looijaard.name/article/openconnect-using-your-own-dns