===== Resend invoices to Hacienda ===== update public.pos_order set state_tributacion=null where state_tributacion=''; ===== Cancel NC orders to send to Hacienda ===== UPDATE public.pos_order SET state_tributacion = 'no_aplica' WHERE tipo_comprobate = 'NC'; ===== Done orders on POS ===== update public.pos_order set state='done' where state='paid'; ===== Cancel odoo POS orders ===== UPDATE public.pos_order SET state = 'cancel' WHERE state = 'paid'; UPDATE public.pos_order SET state = 'cancel' WHERE state = 'paid' and session_id = 272; Determine open POS sessions for more than 24 hours: select name,start_at,create_date,state from pos_session where state !='closed' and start_at < now() - interval '24 hour'; ===== Cancel odoo orders ===== update public.account_invoice SET number_electronic = '50602101900020453068900100001010000000138174933838' where number_electronic = '50602101900020453068900100001010000000160174933838' update public.account_invoice SET sequence = '00100001010000000138' where sequence = '00100001010000000160' update public.account_invoice SET state_tributacion = 'aceptado' where sequence = '00100001010000000138' ===== Cancel odoo tiquete electrónico ===== update public.pos_order set state_tributacion='no_aplica' where number_electronic = '50603111900310276306900800001040000009673105031119'; update public.pos_order set state_tributacion='no_aplica' where amount_total = '0';